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Apply for a Place

Creating Tomorrow College is committed to a fair and open admission system that considers all applicants on their individual merits.

The college is committed to raising student aspirations, widening participation and promoting equal access to programmes of study. Creating Tomorrow College aims to offer a range of courses to students and to ensure that students are appropriately matched to a programme of course or study.

The college will apply the principles inherent in the admissions policy to all applicants. The underlying principle of the admissions policy is that all individual students seeking a place at college are appropriately matched to a suitable programme of study which aligns with their intended destination beyond college.

If you would like to apply for a place at Creating Tomorrow College, please complete the application form below.

Please Note:

Please ensure you have all necessary information ready before starting the form. The system doesn't save partial entries, and restarting will require filling it out from the beginning.

Information required:

  • Students' full name, address, DOB and contact details
  • Guardian/ Emergency contact – Name, address, mobile number and email.
  • Last EHCP Review Date and information
  • Assessed levels for English and Maths

You must click 'Submit' when you have completed the form to send to us. 

Thank you for your cooperation!

Applications Form

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Admissions Process 

 **Learners must submit their preferences to the local authority EHCP team for paperwork to be generated as a preference consultation

***Note: the local authority may not commission placement at Creating Tomorrow College following a positive outcome from the college admissions panel